2024 Spanish Winter Nationals – Junior Results

We have compiled for you all junior results from the 2024 Spanish Winter Nationals (Campeonato de Espana Junior y Senior de Invierno de Natacion Artistica) held in Valladolid, Spain, from March 15 – 17.

In the women’s solos and duets, all clubs entered performed in the technical events. However, only the top 12 solos and top 18 duets qualified to swim in the free event.

For all events but the acrobatic team, the medals and final rankings were determined by the combined scores of technical and free routines. Only the combined rankings are listed on this page.  The individual detailed scores for the technical and free routines are available on RFEN’s website.



Solo (W)

Only six Elements are performed in solo per the RFEN’s adjusted difficulty table.

Rank Club Swimmer Technical Score Free Score Total Score
1 CN Mataro Isabel Shuang 207.4317 227.5438 434.9755
2 AD Sincro Retiro Rocio Calle 204.6800 219.9396 424.6196
3 C. Galaico Sincro Daniela Suarez 202.8083 214.1354 416.9437
4 CN Kallipolis Paula Marcipar 199.6933 213.1396 412.8329
5 CN Granollers Carla Lorenzo 194.9133 214.3792 409.2925
6 Real Canoe NC Ariadna Benito 197.0683 210.4063 407.4746
7 Circulo Mercantil Aurora Lazaro 193.7533 199.6188 393.3721
8 CN Sabadell Meritxell Ferré (TS), Xenia de la Puente (FS) 198.5167 174.3000 372.8167
9 CNS Fabionelli Marta Huidobro 181.8700 188.2458 370.1158
10 CN Sincronizada Ourense Iriza Fernandez 176.8033 164.7271 341.5304
11 CN Artistica Atlantis Marina Belda 174.8067 161.5833 336.3900
12 RCN Vigo Helena Lopez 172.4233 DNS DNS
13 AD Santa Cruz Ciara Rodriguez 172.1633 DNQ
14 CN Sincro Sevilla Gema Fernandez 162.4800 DNQ
15 CN Artistica Pswater Benidorm Emma Losilla 160.6833 DNQ
16 CN Sincroviedo Eva Esperanza Fernandez 157.5333 DNQ
17 Club Sincro Ferrol Xandra Martinez 149.8833 DNQ
18 CN Las Palmas Tayri Cazorla 149.5733 DNQ
19 CN Azahar Sincro Rut Soriano 147.9767 DNQ
20 CP Somontano Cristina Alvarez 146.6000 DNQ
21 DN Portugalete Aitana Santamaria 145.9867 DNQ
22 Acqua Sincro Artistica El Puig Aridana Carrascosa 144.8700 DNQ
23 CN Les Franqueses Vinyet Domenech 142.6367 DNQ
24 CDN Inacua Malaga Nora Velasco 136.5800 DNQ
25 Stadium Venecia Sara Casabiel 135.2467 DNQ
26 C. Sincro Urbarri De Etxebarri Angela Castrillejo 135.0433 DNQ
27 CN Easwin Artistica Anoeta 21 Laia Uria 132.5500 DNQ
28 CN Sincronizada Albacete Irene Asensio 122.2267 DNQ

Solo (M)

Only six Elements are performed in solo per the RFEN’s adjusted difficulty table.

Rank Club Swimmer Technical Score Free Score Total Score
1 CN Granollers Jordi Caceres 174.4633 187.1396 361.6029
2 Real Canoe NC Xandro De Manuel 169.3600 160.7563 330.1163
3 AD Sincro Retiro Daniel Castro 130.1850 125.8167 256.0017
4 AD Santa Cruz Dario Redondo 147.0467 106.4667 253.5134


Rank Club Swimmers Technical Score Free Score Total Score
1 AD Sincro Retiro Naia Alvarez (RT), Rocio Calle, Marina Sarmiento (RF) 224.0500 239.2313 463.2813
2 CN Granollers Carla Lorenzo, Aitana Navarro 221.8600 233.9708 455.8308
3 CN Kallipolis Paula Marcipar, Judith Simo 219.5767 226.6313 446.2080
4 CN Sabadell Xenia de la Puente, Meritxell Ferré 185.2767 221.7604 407.0371
5 CN Sincro Sevilla Gema Fernandez, Elena Vazquez 196.0533 205.3583 401.4116
6 Circulo Mercantil Aurora Lazaro, Elisa Lopez 199.4600 201.8500 401.3100
7 CN Granollers Erica Bosch, Carla Roiz 187.3333 211.2333 398.5666
8 CN Mataro Helena Guillem, Isabel Shuang 194.6950 183.7458 378.4408
9 CN Sincronizada Ourense Antia Blanco, Iria Fernandez 179.4200 178.5854 358.0054
10 CNS Fabionelli Marta Huidobro, Gabriela Perez 172.4167 167.9688 340.3855
11 CN Sabadell Anna Munoz, Alba Rosal 164.8167 160.5333 325.3500
12 RCN Vigo Paula Carballeda, Nayeli Faro 157.4525 158.8979 316.3504
13 RCN Vigo Blanca Fidalgo, Helena Lopez 180.3100 131.0417 311.3517
14 C. Galaico Sincro Antia Riveiro, Daniela Suarez 176.7483 130.2688 307.0171
15 CN Mataro Laura Anso, Carlota Lopez 152.4883 80.2500 232.4883
16 CDN Inacua Malaga Nora Velasco, Julia Villoria 142.2500 78.7500 221.0000
17 AD Santa Cruz Ana Castro, Laia Hernandez 142.6900 71.4708 214.1608
18 CN Artistica Pswater Benidorm Brianna Alvarez, Julia Mora 146.3267 DSQ DSQ
19 CN Sincro Sevilla Patricia Velazquez, Daniela Velazquez 142.0117 DNQ
20 CN Easwin Artistica Anoeta 21 Lorena Espila, Malen Urizar 140.5500 DNQ
21 C. Sincro Urbarri De Etxebarri Angela Castrillejo, Carlota Larrinaga 139.9933 DNQ
22 CN Las Palmas Tayri Cazorla, Lucia Martinez 138.4817 DNQ
23 DN Portugalete Uxue Ferrero, Ane Rodriguez 134.2333 DNQ
24 CN Azahar Sincro Ines Lausin, Maria Romero 131.5650 DNQ
25 Real Canoe NC Ana Delgado, Sara Simon 131.4767 DNQ
26 CP Somontano Cristina Alvarez, Pilar Revuelta 129.5158 DNQ
27 Stadium Venecia Amaya Jia Alfonso, Sara Casabiel 126.4300 DNQ
28 CN Sincroviedo Alina Klymiv, Estela Una 125.7117 DNQ
29 CN Sincronizada Albacete Irene Asensio, Maria Jose Medrano 110.9500 DNQ
30 CD Pedro Menendez Erin Del Amo, Paula Iglesias 100.0300 DNQ
31 CN Manresa Ada Soler, Elia Vall 96.0500 DNQ

Mixed Duet

Rank Club Swimmers Technical Score Free Score Total Score
1 Real Canoe NC Ariadna Benito, Xandro De Manuel 192.3283 198.6229 390.9512
2 CN Granollers Jordi Caceres, Saioa Nogales 154.9900 207.7104 362.7004
3 AD Sincro Retiro Naia Alvarez (RF), Dario Redondo, Marina Sarmiento (RT) 188.7233 167.5521 356.2754
4 CN Granollers Iara Damaris Monter Da Silva, Abner Isaac Monter Da Silva 163.3533 116.4438 279.7971
5 AD Santa Cruz Daniel Castro, Ciara Rodriguez 149.1533 72.8542 222.0075
6 AD Santa Cruz Sergio Castellano, Elizabeth Rodriguez 130.8967 82.4792 213.3759


Rank Club Technical Score Free Score Total Score
1 CN Granollers 229.4383 273.7854 503.2237
2 CN Sabadell 197.3763 249.9729 447.3492
3 Real Canoe NC 204.5117 231.9146 436.4263
4 CN Kallipolis 185.0321 240.6521 425.6842
5 Circulo Mercantil 186.2863 231.5427 417.8290
6 CN Sincro Sevilla 156.0646 243.5667 399.6313
7 CNS Fabionelli 184.4833 210.9979 395.4812
8 RCN Vigo 156.5117 181.3875 337.8992
9 CN Azahar Sincro 143.6346 174.8958 318.5304
10 CN Sincronizada Ourense 169.1904 144.7500 313.9404
11 CN Artistica Pswater Benidorm 164.9267 126.2771 291.2038
12 C. Sincro Urbarri De Etxebarri 138.2983 141.2813 279.5796
13 CN Artistica Atlantis 124.8275 152.9438 277.7713
14 CN Mataro 147.8804 112.9000 260.7804
15 CN Easwin Artistica Anoeta 21 131.0750 97.8333 228.9083
16 Stadium Venecia 125.4063 103.4510 228.8573
17 AD Santa Cruz 170.1163 DNS DNS

Acrobatic Team

Rank Club Total Score
1 CN Sincro Sevilla 202.3100
2 CNS Fabionelli 197.6500
3 CN Kallipolis 178.2700
4 CN Granollers 174.1067
5 CN Sabadell 159.1800
6 AD Sincro Retiro 149.9133
7 CN Les Franqueses 147.3600
8 CN Mataro 146.7467
9 AD Santa Cruz 144.4367
10 CN Azahar Sincro 133.3867
11 C. Mediterranea 131.2933
12 Real Canoe NC 129.7867
13 CN Sincronizada Ourense 129.0300
14 DN Portugalete 127.4433
15 CN Artistica Atlantis 125.0667
16 RCN Vigo 121.6467

The detailed results are available on RFEN’s website.

Please note that different factors for the Artistic Impression were used here compared to the ones used in international competitions.

Cover photo courtesy of RFEN.

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