The Technical Required Elements (TRE) for the 2022-2025 cycle are the same for the senior and junior age groups.
Technical duet routines last 2:20 mins (± 5s). They must contain 8 Elements: 5 TREs, 2 Free Hybrids and 1 Pair Acrobatic. The two additional free hybrids and the pair acrobatic may be placed anywhere in the routine.
Each TRE has two versions, A or B, and thus two different Degrees of Difficulties (DD) that athletes and coaches can choose from.
The five TREs can be done in any order.
Element 1
1A – Walkover Back Closing 360° – Continuous Spin 1080° (DD: 3.0)
From a Back Layout Position a Surface Arch Position is assumed. One leg is lifted in a 180° arc over the surface to a Split Position. A rotation of 360° is executed, as the legs symmetrically close to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a Continuous Spin of 1080° (3 rotations) is executed.
1B – Walkover Back Closing 180° – Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.5)
From a Back Layout Position a Surface Arch Position is assumed. One leg is lifted in a 180° arc over the surface to a Split Position. A rotation of 180° is executed, as the legs symmetrically close to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a Continuous Spin of 720° (2 rotations) is executed.
Element 2
2A – Rocket Split Alternating Legs – Spinning 180° (DD: 2.8)
From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. Maintaining maximum height, the legs are split rapidly to assume two alternating Airborne Split Positions. The legs rapidly re-join to a Vertical Position. A rapid 180° Spin is executed.
2B – Rocket Split – Spinning 180° (DD: 2.4)
From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. Maintaining maximum height, the legs are split rapidly to assume an Airborne Split Position. The legs rapidly re-join to Vertical Position. A rapid 180° Spin is executed.
Element 3
3A – Flamingo Full Twist Hybrid (DD: 2.9)
From a Surface Ballet Leg Double Position, maintaining the vertical position of the legs, the hips are lifted as the trunk is unrolled to a Vertical Position. A Full Twist is executed. Continuing in the same direction and without a pause an additional rotation of 180° is executed as the legs are symmetrically opened to assume a Split Position. A Walkout Front is executed.
3B – Flamingo Half Twist Hybrid (DD: 2.6)
From a Surface Ballet Leg Double Position, maintaining the vertical position of the legs, the hips are lifted as the trunk is unrolled to a Vertical Position. A Half Twist is executed. Without a pause, the legs open symmetrically to assume a Split Position. A Walkout Front is executed.
Element 4
4A – Fishtail – Knight – Continuous Spin 1080° (DD: 3.2)
From a Front Pike Position one leg is lifted to a Fishtail Position. The horizontal leg is rapidly lifted through an arc of 180° to assume a Knight Position. A rapid Full Twist is executed as the horizontal leg is lifted to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a Continuous Spin 1080° (3 rotations) is executed.
4B – Fishtail – Knight – Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.7)
From a Front Pike Position one leg is lifted to a Fishtail Position. The horizontal leg is rapidly lifted through an arc of 180° to assume a Knight Position. A rapid Half Twist is executed as the horizontal leg is lifted to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a Continuous Spin 720° (2 rotations) is executed.
Element 5
5A – Thrust Bent Knee Twirl Spin 360° (DD: 2.3)
From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. One leg is lowered to a Bent Knee Vertical Position as a Twirl is executed. Continuing in the same direction and without a pause a rapid 360° Spin is executed as the bent knee is extended to join the vertical leg in a Vertical Position completed as the ankles reach the surface of the water, followed by a Vertical Descent at the same tempo as the Thrust.
5B – Thrust Bent Knee Twirl (DD: 2.1)
From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. One leg is lowered to a Bent Knee Vertical Position as a Twirl is executed. Without a pause a Vertical Descent is executed as the bent knee is extended to join the vertical leg in a Vertical Position completed as the ankles reach the surface of the water, followed by a Vertical Descent at the same tempo as the Thrust.