All figures for the 13-15 category for the 2018-2021 quad are described below.
423. Ariana (2.2)
A Walkover Back is executed to a Split Position. Maintaining the relative position of the legs to the surface, the hips rotate 180°. A Walkout Front is executed.
143. Rio (3.1)
A Flamingo is executed to a Surface Flamingo Position. The horizontal leg is extended to a Surface Ballet Leg Double Position. The body submerges vertically to a Back Pike Position with the toes just under the surface. The figure is completed as a Barracuda Spin 360°.
Optional Groups
- Group 1
351. Jupiter (2.8)
A Dalecarlia is executed to a Knight Position. Maintaining the vertical alignment of the body, the horizontal leg is moved in a 180° arc at the surface of the water to a Fishtail Position. The horizontal leg is lifted to the Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed.
Dalecarlia: From a Front Layout Position a Front Pike Position is assumed. One leg is lifted to a Fishtail Position. Maintaining the angle between the legs, the horizontal leg moves to vertical as the vertical leg simultaneously continues its arc to the surface to assume a Knight Position.
437. Oceanea (2.1)
A Nova is executed to a Bent Knee Surface Arch Position. The horizontal leg is lifted to the vertical as the bent knee is extended to assume a Vertical Position. A Continuous Spin of 720° (2 rotations) is executed.
- Group 2
240a. Albatross Half Twist (2.2)
An Albatross is executed until the Half Twist is completed. The designated Twist is executed as the bent knee is extended to meet the vertical leg. A Vertical Descent is executed.
Albatross: With the head leading, a Dolphin is initiated until the hips are about to submerge. The hips, legs and feet continue to move along the surface, as the body rolls onto the face as it assumes a Front Pike Position. The legs are lifted simultaneously to a Bent Knee Vertical Position. A Half Twist is executed. The bent knee is extended to Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed.
403. Swordtail (2.3)
From a Front Layout Position, the Bent Knee Position is assumed. The back arches more as the extended leg is lifted in an arc of 180° over the surface of the water. As the extended leg passes vertical, the bent leg straightens with the foot following a vertical line to assume a Knight Position. The vertical leg is lowered to a Surface Arch Position. An Arch to Back Layout Finish Action is executed.
- Group 3
355f. Porpoise Continuous Spin 720° (2.1)
A Porpoise is executed to Vertical Position. The designated Twist or Spin is executed.
315. Seagull (2.1)
From a Back Layout Position, a partial Somersault Back Tuck is executed until the shins are perpendicular to the surface of the water. The trunk unrolls rapidly as the legs are straightened to assume a Vertical Position midway between the former vertical line through the hips and the former vertical line through the head and shins. The legs are lowered rapidly symmetrically to Split Position. The legs are joined rapidly to resume Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed at the same tempo as the initial actions of the figure.