Technical Required Elements: Mixed Duet

The Technical Required Elements (TRE) for the 2022-2025 cycle are the same for the senior and junior age groups.

Mixed Duet Technical routines last 2:20 mins (± 5s). They must contain 7 Elements: 3 TREs, 1 Free Hybrid, 1 Required and 2 Pair Acrobatic. Three Sustained Surface Connections (“SuCon”) with travel (1m or more) or rotation (180°) must also be shown.

Each TRE except the third one has two versions, A or B, and thus two different Degrees of Difficulties (DD) that athletes and coaches can choose from.

The three TREs can be done in any order.


Element 1

1A – Rocket Split Twirl Spin 180° (DD: 2.7)

From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. Maintaining maximum height, the legs are split rapidly to assume an Airborne Split Position. A Twirl is executed, as the legs symmetrically close to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a rapid 180° Spin is executed.

1B – Rocket Split Twirl (DD: 2.5)

From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. Maintaining maximum height, the legs are split rapidly to assume an Airborne Split Position. A Twirl is executed, as the legs symmetrically close to a Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed at the same tempo as the Thrust.

Element 2

2A – Front Pike – Vertical 360° Rotation – Full Twist to Bent Knee – Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.4)

From a Front Pike Position, the legs are lifted to Vertical Position as a rotation of 360° is executed. Continuing in the same direction a Full Twist is executed as one leg is lowered to a Bent Knee Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a Continuous Spin 720° (2 rotations) is executed as the bent knee is extended to join the vertical leg to a Vertical Position completed as the ankles reach the surface of the water and continues through submergence.

2B – Front Pike – Vertical 180° Rotation – 1/2 Twist to Bent Knee – Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.2)

From a Front Pike Position, the legs are lifted to Vertical Position as a rotation of 180° is executed. Continuing in the same direction a Half Twist is executed as one leg is lowered to a Bent Knee Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction a Continuous Spin 720° (2 rotations) is executed as the bent knee is extended to join the vertical leg to a Vertical Position completed as the ankles reach the surface of the water and continues through submergence.

Element 3 (new for 2025)

3 – Manta Ray Half Twist (DD: 3.0)

Starting from a Back Layout Position a Ballet Leg is assumed and the shin of the horizontal leg is drawn along the surface of the water to assume a Surface Flamingo Position, traveling head first. With the ballet leg maintaining its vertical position, the hips are lifted as the trunk unrolls while the bent leg straightens with the knee at the surface of the water to assume a Fishtail Position. The horizontal leg is lifted to a Vertical Position, as the body rotates 180°. The direction of the 180° rotation is closing externally the horizontal leg. The legs are lowered rapidly simultaneously to a Bent Knee Surface Arch Position. The bent knee is straightened to a Surface Arch Position and with continuous motion, an Arch to Back Layout Finish Action is executed