Technical Required Elements: Solo

The Technical Required Elements (TRE) for the 2022-2025 cycle are the same for the senior and junior age groups.

Solo Technical routines last 2:00 mins (± 5s). They must contain 6 Elements: 5 TREs and 1 Free Hybrid. This additional free hybrid may be placed anywhere in the routine.

Each TRE except the third one has two versions, A or B, and thus two different Degrees of Difficulties (DD) that athletes and coaches can choose from.

The five TREs can be done in any order.


Element 1

1A – Thrust Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.7)

From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust Continuous Spin 720° (2 rotations) is executed.

1B – Thrust Continuous Spin 360° (DD: 2.1)

From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust Spinning 360° (1 rotation) is executed.

Element 2

2A – Combined Spin 1080° – Continuous Spin 1080° (DD: 3.0)

From a Vertical Position, a Combined Spin of 1080° is executed (3 rotations + 3 rotations). Continuing in the same direction and without a pause a Continuous Spin 1080° (3 rotations) is executed.

2B – Combined Spin 720° – Continuous Spin 1080° (DD: 2.7)

From a Vertical Position, a Combined Spin of 720° is executed (2 rotations + 2 rotations). Continuing in the same direction and without a pause a Continuous Spin 1080° (3 rotations) is executed.

Element 3

Swordfish Straight Leg – Knight (DD: 3.2)

From a Front Layout Position, the back arches as one leg is lifted in a 180° arc over the surface to a Split Position. A hip rotation of 180° is executed as the front leg is rapidly raised to assume a Fishtail Position. Maintaining the vertical alignment of the body and with accelerating speed, the foot of the horizontal leg is moved in a horizontal arc of 180° at the surface to a Knight Position and with continuous motion and continuing in the same direction an additional 180° rotation is executed. The vertical leg is lowered to a Surface Arch Position and with continuous motion an Arch to Back Layout Finish Action is executed.

Element 4

4A – Fishtail Half Twist – Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.9)

From a Front Pike Position, a rotation of 360° is executed as one leg is lifted to a Fishtail Position. Continuing in the same direction a Half Twist in a Fishtail Position is executed. Continuing in the same direction another rotation of 360° is executed, as the horizontal leg is lifted to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction, a Continuous Spin of 720° (2 rotations) is executed.

4B – Fishtail – Continuous Spin 720° (DD: 2.6)

From a Front Pike Position, a rotation of 360° is executed as one leg is lifted to a Fishtail Position. Continuing in the same direction another rotation of 360° is executed, as the horizontal leg is lifted to a Vertical Position. Continuing in the same direction, a Continuous Spin of 720° (2 rotations) is executed.

Element 5

5A – Rocket Split Bent Knee Joining 360° (DD: 2.4)

From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. Maintaining maximum height, the legs are split rapidly to assume an Airborne Split Position. The back leg is rapidly lifted to vertical and the front leg bends to assume a Bent Knee Vertical Position. A rapid 360° Spin is executed as the bent knee is extended to a Vertical Position completed as the ankles reach the surface of the water followed by a Vertical Descent at the same tempo as the Thrust.

5B – Rocket Split Bent Knee (DD: 2.1)

From a Submerged Back Pike Position, with the legs perpendicular to the surface, a Thrust is executed to a Vertical Position. Maintaining maximum height, the legs are split rapidly to assume an Airborne Split Position. The back leg is rapidly lifted to vertical and the front leg bends to assume a Bent Knee Vertical Position. A Vertical Descent is executed with the bent knee extended to a Vertical Position completed as the ankles reach the surface of the water, followed by a Vertical Descent at the same tempo as the Thrust.