Noortje De Brouwer

Full Name Noortje De Brouwer
Nation Netherlands
Birthdate March 9, 1999
Olympics 2020, 2024
Status Active
Social Media Instagram
Career Highlights

Olympic bronze medalist in 2024… Two-time Olympian in duet alongside twin sister Bregje… Two-time European Champion (2024)… Swam at four World Championships (2017, 2019, 2023, 2024) and three European Championships (2018, 2021, 2024).

2024: Won bronze in duet at the Olympic Games… Won two gold in technical duet and free duet at the European Championships… Earned silver in free duet at the World Championships… Also placed fourth in technical duet there.

2023: Missed the beginning of the season… Only competed in technical duet at the World Championships and placed seventh.

2022: Suffered a season-ending shoulder injury that required surgery.

2021: Finished ninth in duet at the Olympic Games… Qualified to the Olympic Games in duet by placing fourth at the Qualification Tournament… Placed fifth in technical duet and free duet at the European Championships.

2020: Swam at the French Open, the first and only stop of the world series for the season…Placed fourth in technical duet… Did not compete internationally thereafter due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of all meets.

2019: Placed 13th in both technical and free duet events at the FINA World Championships…Finished fifth in free duet and 11th in technical duet at the European Cup…Competed in three world series meets – Paris, Alexandroupoli and Quebec City.

2018: Saw fantastic improvement of three to five points in the duet events for the first season under the coaching of Esther Jauma…Finished eighth in technical and free duet at the European Championships…  Competed in three world series meets – Paris, Tokyo and Madrid.

2017: Gave the Netherlands its best finish in over 20 years at the European Junior Championships by placing fifth overall in duet… Competed at the World Championships and finished 17th in technical duet and 18th in free duet… Won bronze at the German Open in March in the free duet event.

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