

Head Coach Doris Ramadan, Stephanie Marx, Stella Mukhamedova
Olympic Appearances * Duet: 1984 and 1988 **, 1992
Solo: 1984 and 1988 **, 1992
Best Olympic Finishes Duet: 5th in 1984 (West Germany), 14th in 1992 (unified)
Solo: 9th in 1984 (West Germany), 14th in 1992 (unified)
Notable Swimmers Gudrun Hänisch, Monika Müller
Social Media Instagram | Instagram (duet)
Scores 2017-2022


  • Active
Klara Bleyer Amelie Blumenthal Haz Maria Denisov Solene Guisard
Daria Martens Susana Rovner Frithjof Seidel Daria Tonn
  • Retired
Marlene Bojer Daniela Reinhardt Michelle Zimmer
Click here for all coverage related to Germany.

*Synchronized swimming was at the Olympics for the first time in 1984.  Duets were not an Olympic event in 1996. Teams first appeared at the Olympics in 1996. The solo event was held only three times (1984, 1988 and 1992) before being discontinued.

** Germany was dissolved into East and West Germany during the 1984 and 1988 Olympic Games. It appeared again as a unified team beginning at the 1992 Olympics. West Germany existed as a team from the 1968 Olympic Games until the 1988 Olympics.